Transform service from cost-center to profit-center

Give your customers the human-to-human experiences they deserve.
Lexer’s CDXP-powered digital customer service solution enables you to provide exceptional omnichannel service with streamlined workflows, centralized inboxes, straightforward tools for customer feedback collection, and more.

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Drive marketing ROI, revenue, and customer loyalty.
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Craft tailored experiences

Gain insight into the person behind each request.
Lexer’s digital customer service solution is connected to our CDXP, housing comprehensive customer profiles and enabling self-served customer insights.

With access to detailed information about the person behind each service request—including recent purchases, loyalty membership details, contact history, broader interests, and demographics—you can personalize your communication accordingly.

Connect your inbox

Centralized conversations improve customer experiences.
Gain the full picture behind customer requests by unifying conversations from email, social, and contact forms into a single inbox. With one tool, service teams can send personally-relevant and consistent responses to customers regardless of channel. Intelligent inboxes enable you to organize important messages and quickly filter through requests by priority, influence, keyword, channel, and more

Empower your team

An intuitive interface enables fast, effective service.
Easily tag and classify requests, securely collect information, draft messages, leave notes for colleagues, update statuses, assign tasks, track customer satisfaction, and respond to tickets with engaging GIFs, emojis, and images—all from one powerful interface.

Recommend actions streamline service

Ensure consistent, 1-to-1 customer experiences.
To help onboard new agents and streamline processes, you can configure best next actions for specific types of service requests to guide agents’ responses and achieve personalization at scale.

The #1 CDXP-powered customer service tool

Lexer powers efficient, focused, and personalized service for the world’s most trusted brands.
Client logos as of March 2024 - mobile

Collect information quickly and securely

Authenticate and capture feedback with custom forms.
In the past, verifying customer identity and securely collecting information has been a hassle. Lexer’s secure forms and authentication workflow eliminate the need to move a customer from social to email or email to phone. Confidently streamline these critical steps and collect the specific data your business needs.

Improve based on real customer feedback

Lexer’s NPS and CSAT tools allow customer service agents to send personal survey links and record scores on individual customer profiles. By monitoring customer satisfaction and measuring trends and benchmarks by team, agent, channel, or time periods, you can draw valuable insights to improve your service operation.
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Easily analyze performance

Save time for personalized service with custom forms.
Lexer’s straightforward tools for advanced reporting allow you to set benchmarks and review the performance of vital metrics such as:
  • Average response time
  • NPS calculation
  • Topic classifications
  • Case volumes, statuses and more
Analyze and report on both team and individual performance to understand spikes in activity, celebrate high-performing agents, and demonstrate the value of digital customer care.

Improve in-store experience

Delight your customers at every opportunity.
Serve is the first CDXP-powered clienteling tool that turns data from all customer touch points into exceptional in-store experiences, that drive sales.