June 28, 2018

Privacy & customer service on social: Keeping data safe

minute read

Social is the customer care channel of choice for 83% of US consumers, allowing organizations to connect with customers like never before.

With reward, comes risk, and customer care teams need to be very aware of the risk that comes with collecting PII through social interactions. Privacy and social customer care needs to be top of mind for all organizations, ensuring data is kept safe.

Here’s why.

Privacy and Social Customer Care: Know your blind spots

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) includes any data that makes that person recognizable, this includes things like email address, name, physical address, phone number.

On May 25 2018, GDPR legislation commenced, stipulating that brands must be able to demonstrate a lawful way of processing and securing PII, and confidential data like a PIN number or security question in the body of a Facebook message just won’t cut it.

And should you really be asking your customers for PII on this channel? Recent events like the Cambridge Analytica scandal and hacks to high profile talent management company, PageUp People mean customers are holding PII closer to the chest than ever before.

You need a secure solution

To enable secure customer care on social, Lexer developed a solution for sharing PII with an agent in a way that the data never makes into social itself.

Through our customer service tool, Lexer, agents can send a secure form for customers to verify their details securely, enabling the agent to continue the service conversation.

Lexer stores the data in an ISO and SOC 2 a GDPR compliant environment, so you know their data is safe.

The details feed into the Lexer inbox as a new message, so you can get on with securely actioning their request.

Peace of mind with PII

Deliver secure service to customers on the channel they choose with Lexer’s GDPR compliant solution.

Interested in learning more about how Lexer can help you improve customer engagement and maximize results? Book a demo with one of our retail experts today.

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